
Improving productivity in discovery research: Workflow management

Discovery chemistry has progressed significantly in recent years. Researchers now have an abundance of information available to them, from computational models to scientific and patent literature. However, the myriad of communication on offer often fragments information rather than centralizing it. Projects now often involve team members spread across multiple sites and locations. Most organizations now outsource some part of their chemical synthesis and many outsource entire projects in a drive to reduce costs and streamline operations. The outsource model presents organizations with challenges and opportunities to further improve R&D productivity.

In my article 'Improving productivity in discovery research: Workflow management' (International Pharmaceutical Industry, September 2021), I explore the advantages of using a central platform, such as Torx™, to connect all project stakeholders working across the entire discovery workflow. This solution enables effective communication between team members and information silos, whether within a single organization or spread across multiple specialist CROs. He discusses the technical requirements needed from such a platform in order to capture the complex scientific data and integrate seamlessly with internal systems. With this, scientists and research managers can work effectively together to optimize R&D productivity.

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