Engine Biosciences

Transforming the way design and synthesis knowledge is captured and shared internally and with CROs

Capturing and sharing knowledge

Engine Biosciences works at the innovative edge of integrating technology and drug discovery, to accelerate and reduce costs of the R&D process for new and impactful medicines. The company has integrated Torx® into its workflows to transform the way the team captures and shares knowledge, both internally and with CROs.

By providing immediate, real-time access to design and synthesis information, Torx ensures that we are investing our resources in the most critical compounds.

Case study: San Francisco-based biotech

Time saving

Using Torx Design to keep a comprehensive record of all molecules, the company uses the Park feature to put designs on hold if needed, knowing they are available to pick back up at any time if circumstances change. As new ideas are proposed, Torx instantly flags any similar structures from the library, ensuring that no time is wasted on designs that have been explored previously.

Especially as our group grows in size, Torx is a powerful tool for organizing our molecule design library.

Quick and informed decisions

Using the visual Kanban board within Torx Make, the team can see a top-level overview of synthesis progress across all in-house and outsourced projects, to easily learn which compounds scientists have been working on, what has been made and what’s in the queue. Using Torx, it is easy to identify any productivity bottlenecks, make quick and informed decisions about changes to priorities or assignments, and communicate these updates to team members and CROs.

Toni Kline, Senior Director of Chemistry at Engine Biosciences

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